[thechat] rainy tuesday morning

Garrett Coakley garrett at polytechnic.co.uk
Tue May 14 15:23:01 CDT 2002

On Tue, 14 May 2002 14:18:04 -0400 "aardvark" <roselli at earthlink.net>

> whoah, we talking just thumb, or all fingers?

All fingers I can do no problem, but 1 in 5 attempts going round the
thumb end in tragedy. Small animals getting stabbed by a Bic, children
left crying with pen marks on their foreheads, that sort of thing.

.jeff wrote:

> sure, but i got home court advantage cause you're going to have to fly
> here.

Only if I get a return leg back here in blighty.

> as for me, i'll be using a very nice jorg hysek handmade ballpoint pen
> i bought just because it looked perfect for spinning.

Woah... you're a pro I see.


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